
"Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name" - Rolling Stones

Hello! My name is Tina Castillo and I am currently an undergraduate student enrolled in the Scripp's School of Communication at Ohio University. My specialty in the Scripp's School of Communication is a part of its Visual Communications School; I specialize in Interactive Multimedia. When people ask me, "WHAT is THAT?!" as they often do, I find myself grasping for keywords such as: graphic design, web design and audio/visual story-telling. Whether the person then unconsciously files me into a never-going-to-find-a-job mental storage unit with all the other designers they have ever met, does not worry me, because finding my dream job the moment after I graduate has never been my top priority. This is because I fully understand that I am going to have to work hard, gain experience and probably fail many times before I succeed.

Unlike most visual communication specialties (ex. photography, graphic design, or photojournalism,) interactive multimedia covers a broad area of expertise by teaching its undergrads basic information from each type of digital media. Digital media can be seen as information graphics, digital photography, video-recording, web design and many more things! As multimedia students begin to further their advancement toward earning a Bachelor of Science in Visual Communication, they learn in-depth about graphic/web design and audio/visual storytelling. It is also strongly encouraged to begin gaining experience and/or credentials early in the field by interning, entering contests or doing freelance work because having visuals to display your experience and talents will get you far in this field!

To see through the eyes of an interactive multimediast is to constantly be aware of the visual elements in his surroundings. When looking at any particular scene, he might unconsciously take into consideration the framing, colors, juxtaposition or lighting. The multimediast then uses these visual elements as a foundation and basis to create his own personal style, as well as for inspiration to create different forms of media for his clients.

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